7th Birthday Interview

The boy, who made me a mother, turned 7 years old last month. SEVEN! How is that possible? On the bright side, he’s still a delight, still loves to hug and snuggle, still holds my hand willingly, still insists he will live at home forever, and his sports events are becoming more fun to watch. His world still revolves around us, our family and his friends. He hasn’t changed much over the last year – he’s sweet, funny, innocent and takes everything he learns and hears at face value.

I’ve been a terrible slacker in getting this posted (hey, life happens and the past month has been particularly crazy at home), but his birthday interview once again reflects who he is, what he’s learned from friends, things he loves, and what’s relevant to him at the particular moment of our interview:

  1. Favorite color: Blue
  2. Favorite toy: LEGO sets
  3. Favorite thing about his brother: “He’s nice”
  4. Favorite TV show or movie: Wildcrats (TV) and HOP (movie)
  5. Favorite food: Sushi
  6. Favorite outfit: Soccer clothes
  7. Favorite sport: Baseball “even though it’s so hard”
  8. Place he wants to visit for vacation: Portugal again “because of the pools”
  9. Favorite animal: Puppy/Dog
  10. Favorite song: Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) [Oh my, what a change from last year’s Old McDonald…]
  11. Favorite book: Harry the Dog
  12. Best friend: My brother [heart = officially melted]
  13. Favorite cereal: Apple Jacks [definitely not a cereal I’ve purchased before]
  14. Favorite drink: Gatorade
  15. Favorite thing to do with friends: Play games
  16. What his father does at work: “Calls people and tells his men to do something”
  17. Something he’s really good at: Baseball
  18. Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
  19. Biggest hero: Mama + Papa [2nd year in a row!!!!!]
  20. What he wants to be when he grows up: Worker man [=construction worker]

Happy 7th birthday to my sweet boy! Please don’t ever change.

dc event photographer birthday | 7th birthday interview

Following the slacker theme, I’m seriously behind in current photos, so I couldn’t resist sharing these oldies but goodies of my first born. He was such a smiley and happy baby – with very chubby cheeks.

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I'm based in Washington, D.C., and love to travel with family and friends.

